Who Moved the Stone?
Matthew 28:2 says:
And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
Many years ago something happened to me that changed everything. I was doing the things that any typical teenager would do. Then I met Cindy. She was a church going girl, which was OK, but I never thought much about it. Then one day I asked if I could along.
After a while I began to realize that I didn't know the God of the Bible like the others in that church did. "Why is that?", I said to myself. One day, after the pastor finished his message, he invited people to come to the front if they weren't sure where they were going when they died. I wasn't sure, so I went to the front. Since I was one of the last to go forward, no one was available to speak to me. I had heard enough preaching during my time there that I knew what I needed to do. It was on that day, and in that spot that I knelt down and told the Lord that I wanted to know Him and I was sorry for being a sinner. Nothing else mattered to me. I wanted a relationship with God. Guess what? I got it!
Over the years I've learned a lot. One of the most important things a Christian can do is tell others about Jesus Christ. Here are some links that do that and a copy of my eBook.
There is an excellent video series on Amazon Prime called Tetelestai. Here is a link to it. If you subscribe to Prime, it would be very helpful to watch the 11 episodes. If you don't subscribe to Prime, consider buying the series. At the moment this is only available via streaming. DVD's should be available by January 2019. I have access to this NOW. If you want to watch this with me, let me know and I'll do whatever it takes to make that possible.
I'd like to give you an electronic copy of my book, For Love of The Book. Page 36 is where I discusss salvation. This is a pdf file, so it's best if you read it on a regular computer or tablet. It would be difficult to read on a phone. Here's the link to the book.
Some of my book and video recommendations can be found here.
May the Lord bless you!